Wednesday, August 4, 2010


*WYSIWYG: What you see is what you get

Ann Taylor Website Glitch Reveals Un-Retouched Images

Some sort of tech error on Ann Taylor's website mistakenly revealed how the brand's photos look before retouching. Jezebel first noticed the pics on Tuesday afternoon, explaining:

As the page loads, you'll get to see what the Chiffon Trim Tank looks like on a real woman for a few seconds. Then she shrinks into a awkward creature barely able to support the weight of her torso with her tiny child hips.

By Tuesday night, the glitch, involving thumbnails and other terms beyond us, had been fixed.

But we were able to take some screen grabs before Ann Taylor cleaned it up. Check out the before and after images of the "Chiffon Trim Tank," an item from a set of Photoshopped pictures we've previously written about.

To be fair, at the time, Ann Taylor did apologize, saying, "We want to support and celebrate the natural beauty of women, and we apologize if in the process of retouching that was lost."

Now, we just know exactly what was lost: a few inches off of the model's waist and thighs.

I have been utilizing Photoshop(TM) for 5 years, and understand most of its wonders.

However, the question arises: Should it be used to this extent in a retail situation?

The model above is quite beautiful, and rather slim. Kudos to her for maintaining herself!

But, to use Photoshop(TM) to make her look anorexic and somewhat 'alien-like' is quite the faux pas, don't you think?