Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Honesty and Responsibilty

Yep. That's what my stalker calls him/her/shim/... self.

This is the latest:

"...of Rogers Park Chamber of Commerce (of which I... "...of Rogers Park Chamber of Commerce (of which I am a co-founder and only funder of that entity"

According to what has been published, don't see any loan agreement between you and the RPCC.
(Not quite a part of your concern, is it, H&R?)

This is the purpose of a LOAN AGREEMENT.

You seem to always confuse contributions and loans.
(Always confuse? Did I ever have an instance of asking you for a loan or asking any info re: a contribution?)

To (Learn to effing spell, or at least Spell-check before you send anyone anything!) bad you ruined your opportunity to keep your relationship with young Bill for your personal needs. See what happens when you can't keep your racism to yourself? Maybe that is part of your disability! And if you are emotionally disabled, please keep your racism off the internet.


First off, A$$hole, it is known as RPCOC.

Secondly, you , whomever you are, have no concern in this matter.

The monies involved in setting up Rogers Park Chamber of Commerce never, I believe, involved you at all.

Nor does my plaint for the monies invested involve any sort of racism. Mr. Bill Morton continues to be a "white" 33 year old white man. The Bee-shop he relies upon, continues to be, last I knew, a 55 year old "white" man. So, I plead, where does the factor of "RACISM" become involved?

Mister "Honesty and Responsibility" aka Michael Giovanelli, aka "Chicago Shadows", STFU!

What? Are you just looking for some attention, Mikey, because once again, you decided to not take your meds? Have you become again a 'great friend and defender' of Mr. Bill Morton through a ghost hunting group?

YOU are the one who should still be living at Manteno, somewhere in its deepest depths of its decline.