Janet, dearie, your explanation doesn't hold much water! What a disgusting display!
And still no statement from
"the duffer"!
Clueless Napolitano Now Concedes System 'Failed Miserably'It took a tough question from Matt Lauer, but after having
laughably claimed that "the system worked," DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano has now conceded the obvious: that the security system that permitted Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab to board NWA 253 with explosives "failed miserably."
On Today and in other interviews this morning, Napolitano attempted to use her own ignorance as a shield. Each time she was hit with a hard question, her response was to the effect
"yeah, we're wondering about that ourselves." She also continued to point the finger back at George Bush, repeatedly mentioning that the security procedures in place were formulated under the Bush administration.
Whatever happened to "change you can believe in"?
Read the rest and watch the video