Friday, February 26, 2010

It's all in the glass!

After more than a year, I am very pleased with my Nikon P-80!

Below are some glass rocks which I partially gilded with variegated gold leaf. They're small, less than 2" life size, but they did come out quite well, don't you think?

These are available in 8.5" x 11" borderless prints. If you're interested, e-mail me at:

Gargle with Kool-Aid?

It Was Only Cherry Pie!

I LOVE those typos!

From Crain's:

The president issued a statement about Ms. Rogers, saying, "She organized hundreds of fun and creative events during her time here, and we will miss her. We thank her again for her service and wish her all teh best in her future endeavors."

Where are the proofreaders?

And, why not use SpellCheck first?

I give Crain's an 'F'.

Suspicions or: Something's not right here

This looks more like a 'photo op for sympathy' re: her December statement that 'the system worked'.

A 'tennis' accident'? She might have done this at her FIRST tennis lesson with Martina Navratilova!
Choose whichever:

A: the crutches are too short!

B: if she were really trying to support that right foot, she is showing no pain!

C: she is just another dipshit in the Obama administration!

D: all of the above!

OBAMA-OBIT: Desiree Rogers

President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama released a statement Friday afternoon, saying "We are enormously grateful to Desiree Rogers for the terrific job she's done as the White House Social Secretary.

"When she took this position, we asked Desiree to help make sure that the White House truly is the People's House, and she did that by welcoming scores of everyday Americans through its doors, from wounded warriors to local schoolchildren to NASCAR drivers. She organized hundreds of fun and creative events during her time here, and we will miss her. We thank her again for her service and wish her all the best in her future endeavors."

Sounds like an obituary to me! So much for BFF!

For whom would you vote?

Out of the six pictured, I would say No. 7, third from the left, has it down as the most put-together drag queen of those pictured.

Thanks, BBC--you did not show us the winner!


Well, that tune might stay in your head for a bit!

When is he going to get it?


..are sometimes very silly. In a world of starving children, this is what the residents of Ivrea, Italy, choose to celebrate!

Participants throw oranges at rival teams during an annual Carnival battle in the northern Italian town of Ivrea...

...The battle, which every year turns the small town into a mass of fruit-flinging madness, commemorates a local revolt when a medieval count tried to exercise his right to sleep with a newly wedded girl on her wedding night.

I have been to Italy, several times, and oh, how I would love an Italian orange right now!

Archetypes? Oh, yeah!

The Nose-picker

The Detail Man

Happy Birthday, Levi Strauss!

Without him...

Levi Strauss

FEB 26, 1829-SEP 26, 1902

...we wouldn't have these!


"The learned man knows that he is ignorant."

--Victor Hugo

Handkerchief? Kleenex? Anyone?

He digs in, intercepts, and watches it drop!

Lori Ziganto posted the video at complete with SLO-MO!

Dear "Nose-picker on LIVE TV" concluded his sham summit with this:

"I don't think, Tom, that we're gonna have another one of these, because people don't have 7 or 8 hours a day to work some of these things through."

Sooo...the future health needs of the American people isn't worth his time? Incredible!!

Thomas Lifton points out:

Obama's Summit Posture

"Why is Obama calling everyone by their first name while they all address him as Mr. President?

Does anyone remember the hissy fit
Barbara Boxer had when a distinguished military leader addressed her as "ma'am"?

Obama is behaving arrogantly in this and other ways. Nothing unusual for him. But I don't think he is helping to reverse the growing public perception of his arrogance.

I have had the sound off on C-SPAN's live coverage as I work on my computer, but have been
checking out the body language all along, especially Obama's while others are talking. He did not expect this, and does not like it. He looks cool and collected, of course - that's his specialty. But when I really study close ups of his face, he looks worried to me. The eyes are the key. He shows annoyance too, but more in his posture. I definitely detect a hint of fear beneath the polished coolness of his veneer.

He is not elevated above them on a podium, as he was on the retreat meeting, and that greatly reduces his control. He is one seat at a big table. I presume that the GOP insisted on this.

His claque will praise a masterful performance, no doubt. But I think the body language so far says otherwise."