Monday, May 3, 2010

On taxes...

From the comments at American Thinker:

Posted by: mark mywurdz
May 03, 10:56 AM

first they want a VAT tax - tax everything we buy

now they're presenting a FAT tax - a tax on tater tots

then they'll want a FLAT tax- all evil-rich-folks (one word) get a tax on all income over $20,000/yr

CAT tax - tax on all pets, especially cats

SAT tax - tax you when you sit down, and then when you stand up

MAT tax - tax you when you do pilates

RAT tax - tax you when you exterminate your house

PAT tax - tax you if your name is Pat (or Patty, Patrick, Patricia, Petunia, ...)

GNAT tax - tax you when you have a BBQ

LAT tax - tax you when you go to the gym

BAT tax - tax you when you play baseball (or softball)

HAT tax - tax when you buy a hat, double if you buy a yarmulka

DAT tax - tax you when you lapse back into your old Bronx dialect

KAT tax - tax you if you spell a word wrong

NAT tax - tax you when you go to Washington DC Nationals' baseball game

I really wish they would have a WIG tax, and a 'SPANX' tax for Michelle Robinson Shabazz X Obama, don't you?

That's a 'screechy'-looking WIG-piece, and I truly wish this woman(?) would stop trying to "pour" herself into her outfits!

SPANX just ain't workin' for ya, sweetie!

Just a pitiful photo of a pitiful woman...But I, myself, RAN ALL OUT OF PITY FOR HER A LONG TIME AGO!