Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Watching a Winner!

We have all watched Barky Obama, haven't we? Especially when he's been out there on the pitcher's mound, haven't we?

Instead of watching election things tonight, I took some time off to watch "The Natural" on http://www.crackle.com/.

One of the best movies to motivate you, and here's one of the best scenes ever from Hollywood!

And THIS is what triumph over EVIL looks like. Even though one of many lose something, many others shall gain!

The comparison between Roy Hobbs and Barack "Barky" Obama, though BOTH ARE FICTIONAL CHARACTERS, is quite amazing--as they are total OPPOSITES!

Though we've seen Barky try to pitch, we know, after today, he SIMPLY CANNOT HIT!

Onward to DESI-Land, to hide away and try to grow a beard, I guess?