Sunday, June 20, 2010

Glitches in the White House? Oh, NO!

Aside from the bimbo below being flaunted as the next president of the USA...

NOTICE: No wedding ring. She's been planning to divorce him for quite a while, I think.

...we have this.

The impoltance of being earnest


The White House has posted (but apparently not proofread too carefully) a copy of the president's letter to G-20 leaders. Among the letter's gems as posted are this one:

For our part, we will pursue measures to SUppOit the recovery in private demand and return the unemployed to work.

And this one:

At the same time, we recognize the impoltance of setting a credible medium-term fiscal path: that is why my Administration will cut the budget deficit we inherited in halfby FY 2013 and work to reduce our fiscal deficit to 3 percent ofGDP by FY 2015, which will stabilize thedebt-to-GDP ratio at an acceptable level in that year.

And this one (italics in original):

We must reiterate our commitment in Toronto to a common framework for reforms that provide:
* more effective ji'Qlllework for winding down large global firms, along with principles for thefillallcial sector to make afair and substantial contribution towards payingfor allY burdens it creates in a way that protects taxpayers, creates a level playing field, and reduces risks to our economies.

And this one:

I look fOlward to seeing you in Toronto and reaffhming our unity of purpose and resolve.

I'm sure his G-20 colleagues are looking fOlward to seeing Obama in Toronto about as much as he is to seeing them.

When someone at the White House gets around to cleaning up the copy of the letter posted at the White House site, its dishonesty may be somewhat more apparent than it is now, but it won't make much more sense.

Via reader Amy King.

UPDATE: "OCR'ing directly onto the White House website" explains what happened and reports that the White House has attended to the glitch.