Friday, December 11, 2009

Wonderful, wonderful Copenhagen!

Some of you may remember that tune, if you are anywhere near as old as I am.

This is taken in Madison, WI, my home state. I am certain it proves ALGORE's theories, doesn't it? He is just such a great mmm... POLITICIAN, isn't he?

This is a view from my window overlooking Rogers Park and the city of Evanston, Illinois. I took it a short while ago. I have not been able to see anything but ice for the past two days. Surely, ALGORE, this is due to global warming. Well, ALGORE, isn't it?

The purpose of Copenhagen is not what it seems, folks...we have been duped, yet again.

Fortunately, George Soros (remember that name well), the puppetmaster billionaire, is 80 years old, and cannot 'control the strings' forever.

And hope-and-changefully, the 'puppet' will fall. Pray that it takes place.