Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Surely he jests?

Obama Pushes Green Homes Incentives Plan

Some Officials Calling Proposed Spending to Encourage Efficiency Retrofits "Cash for Caulkers"

(CBS/AP) Hoping to jump-start his plans for job growth, President Obama is pushing Congress to pass incentives for homeowners who retrofit their homes to make them more energy-efficient.

The president planned to visit a Home Depot store in Northern Virginia on Tuesday to make the case that outfitting houses to be more energy-efficient will create jobs and save families money on their energy bills.

It's the fourth time in less than two weeks that the president will preside over a high-profile jobs event, as he calls attention to his efforts to bring down the nation's double-digit unemployment rate.



Note: There will be no cash available for those forced to live in tents in the many Obamavilles springing up around our nation.