Sunday, December 13, 2009

High-rise fire: Resident angry that residential units lacked sprinklers

Neighbor says death in condo blaze was avoidable

Maureen Marley warned of this day for nearly eight years.

After losing a neighbor to a fire in 2002, she expressed fears that someone else would fall victim to a blaze in their 44-story condo building. Marley tried to avert tragedy by pushing to have sprinklers installed in the building's residential units, but her condo board and the City Council ignored her pleas.

Read the rest.

Again, as we all well know, the Chicago City Council knows best, for everyone, doesn't it?

Quite frankly, these Aldermen and Alderwomen are responsible for the death of this woman.

The City of Chicago should be sued to the gills over this, and each aldercreep should be made to contribute, out of their personal funds, to the funeral for this poor woman, Beata Bihl.