Saturday, December 12, 2009

Fergedaboudit, woodja?


If not for the green stuff around us, carbon dioxide would kill us.

It's part of the great plan of our Creator which allows us to be and continue to exist.

The mopes all over the world have seemingly gone MAD, telling us we should be taxed on our every exhale! But, who taxes them?

Who taxes George Soros, ALGORE, Fancy Nancy, Harry the Toadie, and Barry and his beloved consort--she of the bad fashion statements (40 people exhaling to make her party dress!)?

It is time for America to garner all the 'common sense' she can--and place these idiots in some asylum, where they can be 'taken care of', if you know what I mean?

Yes, we should all take stock, especially here in America, of how we live, and what is truly important in our lives. That is called freedom of choice. Kinda like freedom of speech, which these arses want to eliminate.

From here:


Earth and it's inhabitants need more, not less, CO2.

More CO2 means:

More Plant Growth
Plants need less water
More food per acre
More robust habitats and ecosystems
CO2 is Earth's greatest airborne fertilizer. Without it - No Life On Earth!

Just common sense, scientific common sense from