Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Words from the Wise

Barack Obama's intended takeover of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness via alleged "healthcare reform" suffered a major setback this week when a U.S. District Judge declared a key part of the legislation to be "so unbelievably unconstitutional that it makes my eyes bleed."

Okay, that's not what he said...though we'd be surprised if he wasn't thinking it.

Instead, Judge Henry Hudson struck down the "individual mandate" which compels Americans to purchase health insurance under threat of financial fines or prison.

The judge wisely pointed out that "At its core, this dispute is not simply about regulating the business of insurance -- or crafting a scheme of universal health insurance coverage -- it’s about an individual’s right to choose to participate."


The "individual mandate" is, by its very nature, a usurpation of Americans' rights; it mandates what the individual must do...and if not struck down, the government could just as easily use the "individual mandate" to declare that you must buy a GM car or face a fine.

You must watch MSNBC or go to jail.

You must "eat the salad."

You must do whatever the government says.

That's exactly the kind of abuse of power our Constitution was written to forbid.

Barack Obama, who has previously claimed to be a Constitutional Law Professor, would have to be an idiot not to know his draconian Healthcare bill is unconstitutional.

But we assume that he does know, and doesn't care.

Which is why our Founding Fathers specifically authored our nation's most magnificent document to protect us from men who wish to be kings.