Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Oh, yet another condemnation of me...

...and yes, I am blocking my name, for fear that you and your cohorts may try to KILL me, instead of repaying the debt which is owed!

BishopJAW@aol.com to grammargal9@gmail.com
Jul 4
Dear RPFreeSpeech:

Your comments about Fr. Michael Bonnett, a priest whom you have never met (But yes, I did meet him and spoke with him on July3rd, 2009, in your car, idiot!) nor have spoken to, proves the point that you are a cyber bully and stalker. This is a man who is a quiet and humble priest and does not deserve to be trashed by the likes of your blog. Keep your stalking focus on me (SOOOO, now you are encouragung stalking, which I am NOT doing...

I merely read other blogs, doofus! And since when is that against the law? I should haul you into court, too, for your dishonesty in this statement!)because Fr. Bonnett is a man totally out of your league.

I cannot believe that you would so strongly deny the racist and stalking nature of your blog.

Now lets (sic) see if you will post this email without editing or blocking out your name. It is very safe for cyber bullies to hide behind their cyber names - as you always do.


My retort to this stupidity

Remember, James Alan Wilkoski, you have also partaken of my generosity and hospitality in my own household, which then you praised and enjoyed. And you quite enjoyed being served and waited upon. Several times.

You are the one who said Bonnett was 'at sea', on July 3rd of last year, after your ill-fated protest against the death penalty which I photographed for you, my dear fellow, and you continued to say how you did not know quite how you would deal with him.

Remember, in that restaurant, after the ride in your convertible? You were very concerned that you might not be able to 'keep him on' and apparently now he is your best friend.

Do you Tweet each other? Somehow it seems, neither you nor he have changed or grown; and you now seem to condone criminal actions against the poor.

WWJD? Hmmm?

I hesitate to remind you, yet again, that the monies due me are a portion of the monies I was given through the Social Security Administration, for all the years of my work and it was agreed that I would eventually be repaid.

I asked for repayment upon my resignation from Rogers Park Chamber of Commerce due to your apparent faulty, unethical advice to its president, Bill Morton who finally sent me this repayment, after almost a month of holding the check..

Then you, a Catholic bishop, sent me the following--including your promises, which right now to me are about the same promises an alcoholic or a crack-head makes:

You, the great bishop of a failing church, which professes Christianity, will deny me, one of the poor, my due which was understood from the very beginning of the organization of Rogers Park Chamber of Commerce?

Well, I would say, Bill Morton has been lying to you, also...

And if you do not comprehend his nefariousness in this matter--well, James Alan Wilkowski, you've been had, too!

By the way, the best you have been able to say about my blog is that it is racist, and that I am a cyber-stalker. Do I not have a right, under the First Amendment, to seek out information that may be harmful to me? And to refute that erroneous information to the best of my ability?

Or perhaps in your convoluted world there is no First Amendment, because you have never studied or even read the Constitution of the United States of America? Shame, bshop, SHAME ON YOU!

By calling me a 'cyber-stalker' and 'cyber-bully', you are a typical 'liberal personality' , (not surprising with your SEIU 880 and Cook County connections), and obviously your adoptive parents did not understand how to raise you to be a proper American.

You seem to only imitate the socialists, who, I might add, really do not give much substance to your religious side.

Soooo, you are a lost man, who will shortly receive an inflated Cook County pension, which you have been working for these past eleven years since you sold yourself out to the County.

And, then, you think, your Church will prosper?

You see, you are accusing me here of 'being the bad guy' when you know, AND BILL MORTON KNOWS, "I" am the only one who provided the seeding monies for Rogers Park Chamber of Commerce.

And I have the RECEIPTS to prove it. With MY name, and MY CARD NUMBER.

So don't get uppity with me--I have the proof, including your own letter which stated I would be paid $500.00 on the 31st of June, a convenient and typical RUSE on the part of you and Bill Morton.



Thieves who ROB FROM THE POOR!