Thursday, May 6, 2010

This is where our soldiers patrol... they understand these fields of poppies, and what opium-use can do?

(For examples, you may want to look toward the White House.)

And that this is what it really is!

For instance, does Sergeant Henry truly understand where he is? (No offense, sir, simply trying to make the point that the war ON?WITH?AGAINST? Afghanistan hasn't done a damned thing to curtail opium-use in America, or in any of our allies' countries!

Afghanistan's WONDERFUL EXPORT--the opium from the opium poppy!

Opium production in Afghanistan

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Afghanistan is, as of March, 2008, the greatest illicit opium producer in the world, ahead of Burma (Myanmar) and the "Golden Triangle".

Afghanistan is the main producer of opium in "Golden Crescent".

Opium production in Afghanistan has been on the rise since the downfall of the Taliban in 2001.

Based on UNODC data, there has been more opium poppy cultivation in each of the past four growing seasons (2004–2007) than in any one year during Taliban rule.

Also, more land is now used for opium in Afghanistan, than for coca cultivation in Latin America.

In 2007, 93% of the opiates on the world market originated in Afghanistan.

This amounts to an export value of about $4 billion, with a quarter being earned by opium farmers and the rest going to district officials, insurgents, warlords and drug traffickers.

In the seven years (1994–2000) prior to a Taliban opium ban, the Afghan farmers' share of gross income from opium was divided among 200,000 families.

In addition to opiates, Afghanistan is also the largest producer of hashish in the world.


Besides pot and coke, I really wonder just how much hash and opiates are "being done" behind the doors of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue and in the offices of the House of Representatives and the Senate.

From these politicians' words and actions, it seems to be a justifiably GREAT amount, does it not?