Thursday, April 8, 2010

Ald. Joe Moore and my socks

I bought these, in 1990. Good socks, great socks! I bought them in Milwaukee, when I was living there.

Actually, I have another pair, which is green, but the shots of them on my feet today didn't turn out so well. socks have been around longer than Ald. Joe Moore has held office...and I think that says something important...something more important than he e-mailed me (again!) today.

You see, every time I see this type of e-mail, I think Joe's parents had his ears 'pinned back'.

But they never felt it was important to have that space between his front teeth taken care of.

But, that is just my personal impression of Ald. Joe Moore.

And...never take it lightly.

But he still looks like this to me:

The Great Alder-Joker....he walks, he lies, he creeps us out...doesn't he?